dirty look

dirty look

A look of contempt, anger, or disgust. I got a really dirty look from the man sitting next to me when I started talking about politics. Do you know why Gina keeps giving me dirty looks? Is she mad at me?See also: dirty, look

*(a) dirty look

Fig. an angry face or a frown. (*Typically: get ~; give someone ~.) Anne gave me a dirty look. I got a dirty look from the teacher when I cracked a joke in class.See also: dirty, look

a dirty look


a filthy look


a black look

If someone gives you a dirty look, a filthy look, or a black look, they look at you in a way that shows that they are very angry about something. Tony was being a real pain. Michael gave him a dirty look and walked out of the kitchen. He caught the filthy look his daughter flashed him. Passing my stall, she cast black looks at the amount of stuff still unsold.See also: dirty, look

dirty look

n. a frown meant to show displeasure with something that has been said or done. I gave him a dirty look, and he took his arm off my shoulder. See also: dirty, look