

单词 call down

call down


C0037600 (kôl)v. called, call·ing, calls v.tr.1. To say in a loud voice; announce: called my name from across the street; calling out numbers.2. To demand or ask for the presence of: called the children to dinner; call the police.3. To demand or ask for a meeting of; convene or convoke: call the legislature into session.4. To order or request to undertake a particular activity or work; summon: She was called for jury duty. He was called to the priesthood.5. To give the command for; order: call a work stoppage.6. a. To communicate or try to communicate with by telephone: called me at nine.b. To dial (a telephone number): call 911 for help.7. To lure (prey) by imitating the characteristic cry of an animal: call ducks.8. To cause to come to the mind or to attention: a story that calls to mind an incident in my youth.9. To name: What will you call the baby?10. To consider or regard as being of a particular type or kind; characterize: Let's call the game a draw. I'd hardly call him a good manager.11. To designate; label: Nobody calls me a liar.12. a. To demand payment of: call a loan.b. To require the presentation of (a bond) for redemption before maturity.c. To force the sale of (a stock or commodity) by exercising a call option.13. Sports a. To stop or postpone (a game) because of bad weather, darkness, or other adverse conditions.b. To declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee: call a runner out; call a penalty for holding.c. To indicate a decision in regard to: calling balls and strikes; called a close play at home plate.d. To give the orders or signals for: a quarterback who called a poor play.14. Games a. To describe the intended outcome of (one's billiard shot) before playing.b. In poker, to place a bet equal to (the preceding bet or bettor).15. To indicate or characterize accurately in advance; predict: It is often difficult to call the outcome of an election. See Synonyms at predict.16. To challenge the truthfulness or genuineness of: called the debater on a question of fact.17. To shout directions in rhythm for (a square dance).v.intr.1. a. To speak loudly; shout: a swimmer who was calling for help.b. To utter a characteristic cry. Used of an animal: geese calling in the early morning.2. To communicate or try to communicate with someone by telephone: I called twice, but no one answered.3. To pay a short visit: We called to pay our respects. He called on the neighbors but they weren't home.4. Games In poker, to place a bet equal to the preceding bet.n.1. A loud cry; a shout.2. a. The characteristic cry of an animal.b. A sound or an instrument made to imitate such a cry, used as a lure: a moose call.3. A telephone communication or connection.4. Need or occasion: There was no call for an apology.5. Demand: There isn't much call for buggy whips today.6. A claim on a person's time or life: the call of duty.7. A short visit, especially one made as a formality or for business or professional purposes.8. A summons or invitation.9. a. A signal, such as that made by a horn or bell.b. The sounding of a horn to encourage hounds during a hunt.10. a. A strong inner urge or prompting; a vocation: a call to the priesthood.b. The strong attraction or appeal of a given activity or environment: the call of the wild; answered the call of the desert.11. A roll call.12. A notice of rehearsal times posted in a theater.13. Sports a. A decision made by an umpire or referee.b. An announced description of a game or race, as by a sportscaster.14. A direction or series of directions rhythmically called out to square dancers.15. a. A demand for payment of a debt.b. A demand to submit bonds to the issuer for redemption before the maturity date.c. An option to buy a certain quantity of a stock or commodity for a specified price within a specified time.d. A demand for payment due on stock bought on margin when the value has shrunk.Phrasal Verbs: call back1. To communicate the need for (someone) to return from one situation or location to a previous one: Management called the laid-off workers back.2. To request (someone) to come in for an audition after an initial audition: The director auditioned six singers for the part and called two back.3. To telephone or radio (a person) who has called previously: I called her back at noon.4. To recall (a defective product) for repair: The company has called back all such models built in 1990. call down1. To find fault with; reprimand: The teacher called me down for disobedience.2. To invoke, as from heaven. call for1. To appear, as on someone else's premises, in order to get: My chauffeur will call for you at seven.2. To be an appropriate occasion for: This news calls for champagne.3. To require; demand: work that calls for patience. call forth To evoke; elicit: a love song that calls forth sad memories. call in1. To take out of circulation: calling in silver dollars.2. To summon for assistance or consultation: call in a specialist.3. To communicate with another by telephone: Has the boss called in today? call off1. To cancel or postpone: call off a trip; called the trip off.2. To restrain or recall: Call off your dogs. call on To order or request to undertake a particular activity: called on our friends to help. call out1. To order or request to assemble or arrive somewhere; summon: call out the guard.2. To challenge to a duel.3. To set off or direct attention to, as in being commendable or of interest: The article calls out the new features of the software in a sidebar. call up1. To summon to active military service: called up reserve troops for active duty.2. To cause one to remember; bring to mind: stories that call up old times.3. To bring forth for action or discussion; raise. call upon1. To order; require: I call upon you to tell the truth.2. To make a demand or a series of demands on: Social institutions are now being called upon to provide assistance to the homeless.Idioms: call in/into question To raise doubts about. call it a day Informal To stop what one has been doing, for the remainder of the day or at least for the present. call it a night Informal To stop what one has been doing, for the remainder of the night. call it quits Informal To stop working or trying; quit. call names To speak to or about another in offensive terms. call of nature A need to urinate or defecate. Often used with answer: He left the room to answer the call of nature. call (someone's) bluff To demand proof for or respond in a challenging way to the claims or threats of another that one presumes to be false. call the shots/tune Informal To exercise authority; be in charge. on call1. Available when summoned for service or use: physicians who were on call for 48 hours.2. Subject to payment on demand. within call Close enough to come if summoned: The nurse is within call if you need him.
[Middle English callen, probably from Old Norse kalla; see gal- in Indo-European roots.]Synonyms: call, assemble, convene, convoke, muster, summon
These verbs mean to demand or request to appear, come, or gather: called a meeting; assembled the troops; convened a panel of experts; will convoke the legislature; mustering the militia; summoned a group of investors.
Our Living Language African American Vernacular English uses call oneself with a present participle, as in They call themselves dancing, to express the idea that the people being talked about are not very good at what they're doing (in this case, dancing), even though they may think they are. This construction has a structure and meaning similar to the Standard English use of call oneself with a noun phrase or adjective, as in He calls himself a dancer or She calls herself intelligent.

call down

vb (tr, adverb) to request or invoke: to call down God's anger.
Verb1.call down - summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magiccall down - summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "call down the spirits from the mountain"bring up, conjure, conjure up, invoke, call forth, put forward, arouse, evoke, stir, raiseanathemise, anathemize, bedamn, beshrew, damn, imprecate, maledict, curse - wish harm upon; invoke evil upon; "The bad witch cursed the child"bless - give a benediction to; "The dying man blessed his son"create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"call forth, evoke, kick up, provoke - evoke or provoke to appear or occur; "Her behavior provoked a quarrel between the couple"
2.call down - censure severely or angrilycall down - censure severely or angrily; "The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car"; "The deputy ragged the Prime Minister"; "The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup"bawl out, berate, call on the carpet, chew out, chew up, chide, dress down, have words, reproof, scold, take to task, rebuke, reprimand, lambast, lambaste, lecture, trounce, remonstrate, jaw, ragcastigate, chasten, chastise, objurgate, correct - censure severely; "She chastised him for his insensitive remarks"brush down, tell off - reprimand; "She told the misbehaving student off"criticise, criticize, pick apart, knock - find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws; "The paper criticized the new movie"; "Don't knock the food--it's free"


verb1. To speak or say very loudly or with a shout:bawl, bellow, bluster, clamor, cry, halloo, holler, roar, shout, vociferate, whoop, yawp, yell.2. To demand to appear, come, or assemble:convene, convoke, muster, send for, summon.3. To bring together:assemble, cluster, collect, congregate, convene, convoke, gather, get together, group, muster, round up, summon.4. To give a name or title to:baptize, christen, denominate, designate, dub, entitle, name, style, term, title.5. To describe with a word or term:characterize, designate, label, name, style, tag, term.6. To communicate with (someone) by telephone:buzz, ring, telephone.Informal: dial, phone.Idioms: get someone on the horn, give someone a buzz.7. To go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize:come by, come over, drop by, drop in, look in, look up, pop in, run in, see, stop (by or in), visit.Idiom: pay a visit.8. To tell about or make known (future events) in advance, especially by means of special knowledge or inference:forecast, foretell, predict, prognosticate, project.phrasal verb
call downTo criticize for a fault or an offense:admonish, castigate, chastise, chide, dress down, rap, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, scold, tax, upbraid.Informal: bawl out, lambaste.Slang: chew out.Idioms: bring to task, call on the carpet, haul over the coals, let someone have it.phrasal verb
call for1. To be a proper or sufficient occasion for:justify, occasion, warrant.2. To have as a need or prerequisite:ask, demand, entail, involve, necessitate, require, take.3. To ask for urgently or insistently:claim, demand, exact, insist on (or upon), require, requisition.Idiom: cry out for.phrasal verb
call offTo decide not to go ahead with (something previously arranged):cancel.Slang: scratch, scrub.noun1. A loud cry:halloo, holler, shout, yell.2. A telephone communication:buzz, ring.3. That which provides a reason or justification:cause, ground (often used in plural), justification, necessity, occasion, reason, wherefore, why.Idiom: why and wherefore.4. The act of demanding:claim, cry, demand, exaction, requisition.5. An act or an instance of going or coming to see another:look-in, visit, visitation.6. The power or quality of attracting:allure, allurement, appeal, attraction, attractiveness, charisma, charm, draw, enchantment, enticement, fascination, glamour, lure, magnetism, witchery.Informal: pull.

call down

call down

1. To call by phone or yell to someone on a lower level of a house or building. A noun or pronoun can be used between "call" and "down." Call down to the front desk and ask them for some more towels. I called down to my dad that the bathroom sink was still leaking.2. To ask one to come to a lower level of a building or house. A noun or pronoun can be used between "call" and "down." Security will call me down to meet you when you get here. I called my dad down to look at the leak in the dining room ceiling.3. To ask one to come to a particular place. A noun or pronoun can be used between "call" and "down." I knew about the public outcry against my article, so I was not surprised to be called down to the editor's office.4. To scold, rebuke, or reprimand someone, as for a wrongdoing. A noun or pronoun can be used between "call" and "down." My teacher called me down in front of the whole class after he caught me sticking my tongue out at him.5. To invoke or request divine intervention. A noun or pronoun can be used between "call" and "down." While in the throes of mourning, I called down for comfort from the heavens. I wouldn't cross a woman who converses with the spirits—who knows what kinds of punishments she can call down on us!See also: call, down

call someone down

to reprimand a person; to bawl someone out. The teacher had to call down Sally in front of everybody. "I wish you wouldn't call me down in public," cried Sally.See also: call, down

call something down (to someone)

to shout something to a person on a lower level. The worker called a warning down to the people below. She called down a warning to them.See also: call, down

call something down

(on someone) Fig. to invoke some sort of divine punishment onto someone. The preacher sounded as though he was calling down the wrath of God on us. Moses called down a plague on the Pharoah.See also: call, down

call down

1. Invoke, as from heaven; for example, He called down the wrath of God. [Early 1800s] 2. call someone down. Scold or reprimand, as in The conductor called her down for playing out of tune. [Mid-1800s] For a synonym, see dress down, def. 1. See also: call, down

call down

v.1. To shout something from a higher level to a lower one: I called down from the balcony to the people onstage.2. To summon someone from a higher level to a lower one: I was upstairs getting dressed when my dad called me down for dinner. I waited in the bleachers until they called down my group.3. To ask for someone's presence at some location; summon someone: The police called me down to the station to identify the robber. I was called down to the principal's office to explain why I was late.4. To criticize or reprimand someone: The teacher called me down for being late. The grouchy boss took a cruel delight in calling down the members of the staff.5. To invoke something, as from heaven: The prophet called down punishment on the wicked. Their sins called a plague down upon them.See also: call, down

call down

Related to call down: call forth
  • verb

Synonyms for call down

verb summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic


  • bring up
  • conjure
  • conjure up
  • invoke
  • call forth
  • put forward
  • arouse
  • evoke
  • stir
  • raise

Related Words

  • anathemise
  • anathemize
  • bedamn
  • beshrew
  • damn
  • imprecate
  • maledict
  • curse
  • bless
  • create
  • make
  • call forth
  • evoke
  • kick up
  • provoke

verb censure severely or angrily


  • bawl out
  • berate
  • call on the carpet
  • chew out
  • chew up
  • chide
  • dress down
  • have words
  • reproof
  • scold
  • take to task
  • rebuke
  • reprimand
  • lambast
  • lambaste
  • lecture
  • trounce
  • remonstrate
  • jaw
  • rag

Related Words

  • castigate
  • chasten
  • chastise
  • objurgate
  • correct
  • brush down
  • tell off
  • criticise
  • criticize
  • pick apart
  • knock




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