释义 |
cyclencephaly cy·clen·ceph·a·ly , cyclencephalia (sī'klen-sef'ă-lē, -se-fā'lē-ă), Condition in a malformed fetus characterized by poor development and a varying degree of fusion of the two cerebral hemispheres. Synonym(s): cyclocephaly, cyclocephalia [cyclo- + G. enkephalos, brain] cy·clen·ceph·a·ly , cyclencephalia (sī-klen-sef'ă-lē, -se-fā'lē-ă) Condition in a malformed fetus characterized by poor development and a varying degree of fusion of the two cerebral hemispheres. Synonym(s): cyclocephaly, cyclocephalia. [cyclo- + G. enkephalos, brain] |