

 [pom´fo-liks] an intensely pruritic skin eruption on the sides of the digits or on the palms and soles, consisting of small, discrete, round vesicles, accompanied by pruritus, a burning sensation, and excessive sweating. It is a self-limited condition usually lasting a few weeks.


(dis-i-drō'sis), A vesicular or vesicopustular eruption, of unknown cause, chiefly involving the volar surfaces of the hands and feet; self-limited but may be recurrent. Synonym(s): cheiropompholyx, chiropompholyx, dyshidria, dyshidrotic eczema, pompholyx [dys- + G. hidrōs, sweat]


, dysidrosis (dis'hi-drō'sis, dis'i-) A vesicular or vesicopustular eruption of multiple causes that occurs primarily on the volar surfaces of the hands and feet; the lesions spread peripherally but have a tendency to central clearing.
Synonym(s): cheiropompholyx.
[dys- + G. hidrōs, sweat]


A kind of ECZEMA affecting the palms of the hands in which tiny blisters (vesicles) form. A similar condition of the feet is called podopompholyx.