

(ep'i-lep'sē), A chronic disorder characterized by paroxysmal brain dysfunction due to excessive neuronal discharge, and usually associated with some alteration of consciousness. The clinical manifestations of the attack may vary from complex abnormalities of behavior including generalized or focal convulsions to momentary spells of impaired consciousness. These clinical states have been subjected to a variety of classifications, none has been universally accepted to date and, accordingly, the terminologies used to describe the different types of attacks remain purely descriptive and nonstandardized; they are variously based on: the clinical manifestations of the seizure (motor, sensory, reflex, psychic or vegetative); the pathologic substrate (hereditary, inflammatory, degenerative, neoplastic, traumatic, or cryptogenic); the location of the epileptogenic lesion (rolandic, temporal, diencephalic regions); and the time of day at which the attacks occur (nocturnal, diurnal, menstrual). Synonym(s): convulsive state, epilepsia, falling sickness [G. epilēpsia, seizure]

Patient discussion about epilepsia

Q. what are the chances for a one time epileptic seizure? I had an epileptic seizure a few years ago and after all the tests it appeared to be a one time seizure. I know having one indicates my tendency for this kind of seizures so should I be afraid now to do things that might bring it up again- like alcohol, drugs, being exposed to flashing lights or having lack of sleep? what are the chances of it to come back after 5 years? any help will be very appreciated....thanks!A. After 5 years with no recurrence of seizures after a one time episode, tha chances of having another one are low, almost exact to the general population. I would not advise you to start heavily drinking alcohol and doing drugs, because these things can certainly have an effect, however you need not be afraid.

Q. if some one gets a one time epileptic seizure- he have to take medication all his life? how do they decide if it's a one timer or it's going to continue from this day forth?A. I had a one time epileptic seizure 5 years ago (due to lack of sleep- probably) and didn't have to take any medication though I did have some tests made like EEG and CT every half a year for some time. Like everything else in life- you can't decide it's not a one time till you get the second- which I hope you wont of course...

Q. will my son get over his epilepsy he has had seizers since he was 6 months old he is know 3 and a half

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