Call syndrome
Diagnosis Alternating zones of vasoconstriction and vasodilation
Call syndrome
An acquired vasospastic disorder condition most common in ♀ with migraine, tends to occur during puerperium, and characterized by reversible segmental vasoconstriction of multiple cerebral arteries Clinical Headache, seizures, transient or persistent multifocal brain signs, accompanied by brain edema and ↑ intracranial pressure Diagnosis Alternating zones of vasoconstriction and vasodilationPatient discussion about Call syndrome
Q. I have an injury called CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) I desparately need help. Had 4 surgeries-no help The pain is excruciating every second, in my left hand and arm,with no relief. I don't know where to go next or what to pursue. I've tried every pain med there is and steroidal injections and nerve stimulator implant in back, but nothing has worked. Can't believe the pain- keeps me up at night and is a killer every other second of the day. Can anyone help??? Any suggestions I may not have tried??? I am desparate for some relief. Thanks Joe