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DictionarySeeburnchemical burn
chemical burn[′kem·i·kəl ‚bərn] (medicine) Tissue destruction caused by caustic agents, irritant gases, or other chemical agents. chemical burn
chem·i·cal burna burn due to a caustic chemical.chemical burn Opthalmology A topical eye injury evoked by toxic fluids; untreated CBs can rapidly lead to permanent blindness; alkalines are more dangerous than acids as the high pH causes saponification of membranes with cell disruption and cell death; acids coagulate the superficial proteins, limiting the toxic agent's penetration Agents Ammonia derivatives–cleaning agents, fertilizers, refrigerants, lime products–plaster, mortar Management Irrigate with water, saline or any neutral pH liquid ASAP X ≥ 10 minschemical burn An injury caused, usually, by alkali (e.g. ammonia, caustic potash, lime, sodium hydroxide) or acid (e.g. hydrochloric, sulphuric). The type and severity of the injury depends on the properties of the chemical and upon which ocular tissue is involved. However, alkali burns are more severe than acid burns because they penetrate the tissues more rapidly and more deeply. In all cases, immediate copious irrigation is crucial, followed by a topicalanaesthetic to relieve pain. Irrigation is continued until repeated measurements of ocular pH reach and retain a normal value. Treatment includes cycloplegics, antibiotics, steroids, ascorbate (only in alkali burns) to restore collagen synthesis, and glaucoma medication may be needed to prevent an increase of intraocular pressure. In some cases, surgery may also be required.Patient discussion about chemical burnQ. How do you tell the difference between chemical burns, and burns from fire? Please don't spare on gross words i would like to know everything there is to burns.A. Here is a ton of info on both- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_burn http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burn_%28injury%29 More discussions about chemical burnFinancialSeeBurn |