Acronym | Definition |
EAH➣Engrossed Amendment House (legislation) |
EAH➣Effective Address Higher Bits |
EAH➣École a l'Hôpital (French: School Hospital) |
EAH➣Employer Assisted Housing (US HUD) |
EAH➣Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia |
EAH➣Entente Athlétique du Hainaut (French: Athletic Agreement of Hainaut; Hainaut, Belgium) |
EAH➣Early Administrative Hearing (UK) |
EAH➣Escrime a l'Hôpital (French: Fencing Hospital) |
EAH➣Espoir Autreville Harmonville (French sports club) |
EAH➣Eating in the Absence of Hunger |
EAH➣EFREI Aides Humanitaires (French) |
EAH➣Essential Arterial Hypertension |
EAH➣Einstein At Home |
EAH➣Educational Adaptive Hypermedia (computer-based learning) |
EAH➣Enterprise Asset Health |
EAH➣Excellence to Affordable Housing (San Rafael, CA) |