释义 |
dis·af·firm D0249400 (dĭs′ə-fûrm′)tr.v. dis·af·firmed, dis·af·firm·ing, dis·af·firms Law To reject (a determination or obligation that is subject to approval). dis′af·fir′mance (dĭs′ə-fûr′məns), dis·af′fir·ma′tion (dĭs-ăf′ər-mā′shən) n.ThesaurusdisaffirmancenounA refusal to grant the truth of a statement or charge:contradiction, denial, disaffirmation, disclaimer, negation, rejection.Law: traversal.DisaffirmanceenUK
DISAFFIRMANCE. The act by which a person who has entered into a voidable contract; as, for example, an infant, does disagree to such contract, and declares he will not abide by it. 2. Disaffirmance is express or implied. The former, when the declaration is made in terms that the party will not abide by the contract. The latter, when he does an act which plainly manifests his determination not to abide by it; as, where an infant made a deed for his land, and, on coming of age, be made a deed for the same land to another. 2 Dev. & Bat. 320; 10 Pet. 58; 13 Mass. 371, 375. disaffirmanceenUK
Synonyms for disaffirmancenoun a refusal to grant the truth of a statement or chargeSynonyms- contradiction
- denial
- disaffirmation
- disclaimer
- negation
- rejection
- traversal