Black Sandy State Park

Black Sandy State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Montana
Location:7 miles north of Helena on I-15, then 4 miles east on Secondary 453, and north 3 miles.
Facilities:33 campsites (4 tent, 29 trailer, 2 @di; no hookups), flush toilets(é), picnic area, double-wide boat ramp (é), boat dock,hiking trail (1 mile), interpretive displays.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, water-skiing, hiking, bicycling.
Special Features:Black Sandy is one of the few public parks located on the shores of Hauser Lake.
Address:930 Custer Ave W
Helena, MT 59601

Size: 44 acres. Elevation: 3,835 feet.

See other parks in Montana.