ENCCÉcole Nationale de Cirque de Châtellerault (French: National Circus School of Châtellerault; Châtellerault, France)
ENCCÉcole Nationale de la Concurrence et de la Consommation (French: National School Competition and Consumer Affairs)
ENCCEntreprise Nationale de Charpente et de Chaudronnerie (French: National Company of Carpentry and Boilermaking; Algeria)
ENCCEuropean Network of Cultural Centres
ENCCExceptional Needs Care Coordinator
ENCCEritrean National Chamber of Commerce (est. 1921; Eritrea)
ENCCEmergency Nursing Core Curriculum (textbook)
ENCCEstonian Nanotechnology Competence Center (Estonia)
ENCCElectric Neon Clock Company
ENCCEnteric Neural Crest Cell (physiology)