Encephalitozoon hellem

En·ceph·a·li·to·zo·on hel·lem

a species of Encephalitozoon described from human ophthalmic infections causing punctate keratopathy and corneal ulceration in AIDS patients.

En·ceph·a·li·to·zo·on hel·lem

(en-sef'ă-lit-ō-zō'on hel'ĕm) A species of Encephalitozoon described in human ophthalmic infections; causes punctate keratopathy and corneal ulceration in AIDS patients.

En·ceph·a·li·to·zo·on hel·lem

(en-sef'ă-lit-ō-zō'on hel'ĕm) Pathogen described in human ophthalmic infections.