epiphysial cartilage

epiphysial cartilage

[TA] particular type of new cartilage produced by the epiphysis of a growing long bone; located on the epiphysial (distal) side of the zone of growth cartilage, it is a zone of relatively quiescent chondrocytes (the resting zone) of the epiphysial (growth) plate that unites the epiphysis with the shaft.
See also: epiphysial plate.
Synonym(s): cartilago epiphysialis [TA], primary cartilaginous joint ☆

ep·i·phys·i·al car·ti·lage

(ep'i-fiz'ē-ăl kahr'ti-lăj) [TA] Particular type of new cartilage produced by the epiphysis of a growing long bone; located on the epiphysial (distal) side of the zone of growth cartilage, it is a zone of relatively quiescent chondrocytes (the resting zone) of the epiphysial (growth) plate that unites the epiphysis with the shaft.
See also: epiphysial plate