Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park

Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Florida
Location:On the southern end of Key Biscayne, off the Rickenbacker Causeway, south of downtown Miami.
Facilities:18 picnic pavilions, playground, beach, showers, restrooms,concessions, restaurant, hiking/nature trails, bicycle rentals, youthcamping area, overnight boat camping.
Activities:Saltwater fishing, canoeing/kayaking, swimming, hiking, bicycling, guided tours, wildlife viewing, boat camping.
Special Features:Bill Baggs was a Miami newspaper editor who championed this area for astate park. The historic lighthouse on Cape Florida, which was built in1825 and reconstructed in 1846, is the oldest standing structure inMiami-Dade County. Guided tours of the lighthouse and of the lighthousekeeper's cottage are given twice daily, Thursday through Monday.
Address:1200 S Crandon Blvd
Key Biscayne, FL 33149

Size: 414 acres land; 17 acres water.

See other parks in Florida.