Camano Island State Park

Camano Island State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Washington
Location:14 miles southwest of Stanwood, off I-5 (Exit 212).
Facilities:88 standard campsites, group camp, picnic shelter, shelter, hiking trail, bike trail, ball fields, beach access, boat launch, amphitheater.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, clamming, crabbing, swimming, windsurfing, water skiing, scuba diving, hiking, biking, bird watching.
Special Features:During the last ice age, the area was covered by an ice sheet approximately one mile thick. The glacier carved the shape of the island with its high "feeder banks" that helped build the beaches.
Address:2269 S Lowell Point Rd
Stanwood, WA 98292

Size: 134 acres.

See other parks in Washington.