chemoreceptor trigger zone

chemoreceptor trigger zone

The area of the medulla oblongata that communicates with the vomiting centre, which is located in the floor of the 4th ventricle and receives vagal afferents or stimulated directly by apomorphine, cardiac glycosides, ergot compounds, chemotherapeutics, staphylococcal enterotoxin, salicylates, nicotine and other circulating chemicals. In contrast to the adjacent but distinct vomiting centre, the CTZ does not respond to electrical stimulation.

chemoreceptor trigger zone

Area postrema Neuroanatomy The neural center for emesis, located in the floor of the 4th ventricle, which receives vagal afferents or stimulated directly by apomorphine, cardiac glycosides, ergot compounds, chemotherapeutics, staphylococcal enterotoxin, salicylate and nicotine and other circulating chemicals; in contrast to the adjacent but distinct vomiting center, the CTZ does not respond to electrical stimulation

chemoreceptor trigger zone

Abbreviation: CTZ
A zone in the medulla that is sensitive to certain chemical stimuli. Stimulation of this zone may produce nausea. See also: zone