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corporealof a material nature; tangible: corporeal evidence Not to be confused with:corporal – of the body: corporal punishment; non-commissioned officercor·po·re·al C0656800 (kôr-pôr′ē-əl)adj.1. a. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the body. See Synonyms at bodily.b. Existing or manifesting in bodily form.2. Of a material nature; tangible: corporeal property. [From Latin corporeus, from corpus, corpor-, body; see kwrep- in Indo-European roots.] cor·po′re·al′i·ty (-ăl′ĭ-tē), cor·po′re·al·ness n.cor·po′re·al·ly adv.corporeal (kɔːˈpɔːrɪəl) adj1. (Theology) of the nature of the physical body; not spiritual2. of a material nature; physical[C17: from Latin corporeus, from corpus body] corˌporeˈality, corˈporealness n corˈporeally advcor•po•re•al (kɔrˈpɔr i əl, -ˈpoʊr-) adj. 1. of the nature of the physical body; bodily. 2. material; tangible: corporeal property. [1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin corpore(us) bodily (corpor-, s. of corpus body + -eus -eous) + -al1] cor•po`re•al′i•ty, cor•po′re•al•ness, n. cor•po′re•al•ly, adv. syn: See physical. ThesaurusAdj. | 1. | corporeal - having material or physical form or substance; "that which is created is of necessity corporeal and visible and tangible" - Benjamin Jowettmaterialbodied - having a body or a body of a specified kind; often used in combination; "strong-bodied"; "big-bodied"incorporeal, immaterial - without material form or substance; "an incorporeal spirit" | | 2. | corporeal - affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit; "bodily needs"; "a corporal defect"; "corporeal suffering"; "a somatic symptom or somatic illness"corporal, somatic, bodilyphysical - involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit; "physical exercise"; "physical suffering"; "was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance" |
corporealadjective physical, human, material, substantial, bodily, mortal, fleshy Descartes held that there are two kinds of substances in the world, mental and corporeal.corporealadjective1. Of or relating to the human body:bodily, corporal, fleshly, personal, physical, somatic.2. Composed of or relating to things that occupy space and can be perceived by the senses:concrete, material, objective, phenomenal, physical, sensible, substantial, tangible.Translationskörperlichcorporalcorporelcorporalecorporeal
corporeal of the nature of the physical body; not spiritual corporeal
cor·po·re·al (kōr-pō'rē-ăl), Distinguish this word from corporal. Avoid the mispronunciation corpore'al.Pertaining to the body, or to a corpus.cor·po·re·al (kōr-pōr'ē-ăl) Pertaining to the body, or to a corpus. corporeal Related to corporeal: Corporeal propertyCorporealPossessing a physical nature; having an objective, tangible existence; being capable of perception by touch and sight. Under Common Law, corporeal hereditaments are physical objects encompassed in land, including the land itself and any tangible object on it, that can be inherited. Corporeal is the opposite of incorporeal, that which exists but is incapable of physical manifestation, as in the right to bring a lawsuit. corporeal having a physical body, tangible.corporeal
corporealTangible real or personal property; things you can touch. Contrast with incorporeal property such as easements (a right to use, but not a right to, property) and goodwill. corporeal Related to corporeal: Corporeal propertySynonyms for corporealadj physicalSynonyms- physical
- human
- material
- substantial
- bodily
- mortal
- fleshy
Synonyms for corporealadj of or relating to the human bodySynonyms- bodily
- corporal
- fleshly
- personal
- physical
- somatic
adj composed of or relating to things that occupy space and can be perceived by the sensesSynonyms- concrete
- material
- objective
- phenomenal
- physical
- sensible
- substantial
- tangible
Synonyms for corporealadj having material or physical form or substanceSynonymsRelated WordsAntonymsadj affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spiritSynonymsRelated Words |