Camden Hills State Park

Camden Hills State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Maine
Location:2 miles north of Camden on US 1.
Facilities:107 campsites with showers and flush toilets (é), picnic area, hiking trails (30 miles). Open May 15-October 15.
Activities:Camping, hiking, snowmobiling.
Special Features:Park's signature location is the scenic vista atop Mount Battie, whichoffers sweeping views of Camden Harbor, Penobscot Bay, and surroundingislands. An easy foot trail leads up Mount Megunticook, highest of theCamden Hills. Harbor cruises and whale and puffin watches are availabledaily in nearby Camden, just a few minutes from the park.
Address:280 Belfast Rd
Camden, ME 04843

Size: 5,710 acres.

See other parks in Maine.