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DictionarySeeCavernous bodyEncyclopediaSeecorpuscorpus cavernosum penis
cor·pus ca·ver·no·sum pe·nis [TA] one of two parallel columns of erectile tissue forming the dorsal part of the body of the penis; they are separated posteriorly, forming the crura of the penis. Synonym(s): cavernous body of peniscor·pus ca·ver·no·sum pe·nis (kōr'pŭs ka-vĕr-nō'sŭm pē'nis) [TA] One of two parallel columns of erectile tissue forming the dorsal part of the body of the penis; they are separated posteriorly, forming the crura of the penis. corpus cavernosum penisOne of the two columns of erectile tissue on the dorsum of the penis.See also: corpusLegalSeeCorpus |