Chermoev, Abdul Medzhid Ortsuevich
Chermoev, Abdul Medzhid Ortsuevich
Born Mar. 3 (15), 1882; died 1936 in Paris. Chechen bourgeois nationalist figure (1917–19). Oil industrialist.
Chermoev graduated from the Nicholas Cavalry School in 1901. His cavalry service included membership in the personal escort of Nicholas II. He retired from the cavalry in 1908. During World War I, Chermoev was an officer in the Caucasian Native Horse Cavalry Division, nicknamed the Wild Division. After the February Revolution of 1917 he was one of the organizers of the counterrevolutionary Union of United Mountaineers and a leader of the bourgeois Terek-Dagestan Government. He supported the intervention of Turkish troops in Dagestan. After Soviet power was established in Dagestan at the end of 1919, Chermoev emigrated and continued his anti-Soviet activities abroad.