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DictionarySeeaaamplitude of accommodation
accommodation [ah-kom″ah-da´shun] adjustment, especially adjustment of the eye for seeing objects at various distances. This is accomplished by the ciliary muscle, which controls the lens of the eye, allowing it to flatten or thicken as is needed for distant or near vision. Flattening and rounding of lens during accommodation.absolute accommodation the accommodation of either eye separately.amplitude of accommodation range of accommodation.histologic accommodation changes in morphology and function of cells following changed conditions.negative accommodation adjustment of the eye for long distances by relaxation of the ciliary muscle.positive accommodation adjustment of the eye for short distances by contraction of the ciliary muscle.am·pli·tude of ac·com·mo·da·tionthe difference in refractivity of the eye at rest and when fully accommodated.am·pli·tude of ac·com·mo·da·tion (am'pli-tūd ă-kom'ŏ-dā'shŭn) The difference in refractivity of the eye at rest and when fully accommodated. FinancialSeeAccommodationAcronymsSeeAAThesaurusSeeaccommodation |