Acronym | Definition |
DPD➣Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (Indonesian: Council of Regional Representatives) |
DPD➣Department of Planning and Development |
DPD➣Dynamic Parcel Distribution (UK) |
DPD➣Development Plan Document (UK) |
DPD➣Dallas Police Department (Dallas, TX) |
DPD➣Dead Peer Detection (Cisco) |
DPD➣Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase |
DPD➣Division of Parasitic Diseases (US CDC) |
DPD➣Data Processing Division |
DPD➣Dual Pointing Device |
DPD➣Densely Packed Decimal |
DPD➣Data Procurement Document |
DPD➣Dual Ported Data |
DPD➣Delegated Path Discovery |
DPD➣Dead Peer Detection |
DPD➣Derived Physics Datasets |
DPD➣Denver Police Department |
DPD➣Detroit Police Department |
DPD➣Deoxypyridinoline |
DPD➣Dominant Wave Period |
DPD➣Digital Product Development |
DPD➣Drug Product Database |
DPD➣Demokratische Partei Deutschlands (German: Democratic Party of Germany) |
DPD➣Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas (Spanish) |
DPD➣Director of Professional Development (various organizations) |
DPD➣Digital Pre-Distortion |
DPD➣Densely-Packed Decimal (encoding) |
DPD➣Director of Planning Development (various organizations) |
DPD➣Deutscher Paketdienst (Germany) |
DPD➣Departamento de Proceso de Datos (Spanish: Data Processing Department; various locations) |
DPD➣Dependent Personality Disorder |
DPD➣Dekart Private Disk (encryption software) |
DPD➣Direct Parcel Distribution (European logistics service) |
DPD➣Domestic Production Deduction (taxes) |
DPD➣Direction de la Programmation et du Développement (French: Department of Programming and Development; French Ministry of Education, Youth and the Voluntary Sector) |
DPD➣Digital Photo Display |
DPD➣Depersonalization Disorder |
DPD➣División de Prevención del Delito (Spanish: Crime Prevention Division; Guatemala) |
DPD➣Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (Indonesian: Regional Leaders Council) |
DPD➣Dangerous Preparations Directive |
DPD➣Distal Protection Device (cardiology) |
DPD➣Digital Product Definition |
DPD➣Demos Pra Download (music blog) |
DPD➣Differential Phase Detection |
DPD➣Dayton Police Department (Ohio) |
DPD➣Diver Propulsion Device |
DPD➣Data Processing Department |
DPD➣N,n-Diethyl-P-Phenylene-Diamine |
DPD➣Diploma in Practical Dermatology (UK) |
DPD➣Daily Policy Digest (National Center for Policy Analysis) |
DPD➣Dead Piro Day (MegaTokyo comic) |
DPD➣Distributed Product Description (Modeling and Simulation; Simulation Based Acquisition) |
DPD➣Director Personnel Department (US Navy) |
DPD➣Distribution Produits Déco (French: Home Products Distribution) |
DPD➣Data Processing Design |
DPD➣Downtown Parking District (various locations) |
DPD➣Defense Programming Database |
DPD➣District Port Director (US Navy) |
DPD➣Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Doganave (Albanian: General Directorate of Dutys) |
DPD➣Degree Programme Director (Newcastle University; UK) |
DPD➣Deutscher Pressedienst |
DPD➣Day Past Due |
DPD➣Driver/Pre-Driver |
DPD➣Data Project Description |
DPD➣Digital Product Description |
DPD➣Data Project Directive |
DPD➣Dignitary Protection Division (United States Capitol Police) |
DPD➣Dumas Police Department (Dumas, Texas) |
DPD➣Digital Publications Development Program (US Army ASRL) |
DPD➣Duty Paid Delivered |
DPD➣Detailed Product Document |
DPD➣Detailed Procedural Design (software development) |
DPD➣Data Product Definition (Logistics Management Information) |
DPD➣Démarginalisation des Pauvres par le Droit (French: Empowerment of the Poor; Bénin) |
DPD➣Dry Packaged Dessert |
DPD➣Dependability of Physical Design |
DPD➣Design Proposal Drawings |