

单词 afr
释义 DictionarySeeAfr-



Abbreviation for:
adaptive frequency response
annual financial return (Medspeak-UK)
aortic flow rate
aqueous flare response
average flow rate
FinancialSeeApplicable Federal Rate


AFRAustralian Financial Review
AFRApplicable Federal Rate
AFRAlternate Frame Rendering
AFRAir Filter Regulator (various companies)
AFRAfrikaans (South African language)
AFRAir France (ICAO code)
AFRAccounting and Financial Reporting (various organizations)
AFRAir Force Reserve
AFRAnnual Financial Report
AFRAmerican Family Radio (Christian radio network)
AFRAides à Finalité Régionale (French: Regional Aid)
AFRA Football Report (est. 2009)
AFRAutomatic Fingerprint Recognition
AFRAutomatic File Replication
AFRAir Fuel Ratio
AFRAutomatic Facial Recognition
AFRAsian Formula Renault (race)
AFRArbel Fauvet Rail (French railway manufacturer; Douai, France)
AFRAir Force Regulation
AFRAnnualized Failure Rate
AFRAssociation Française des Russisants (French Russian culture association)
AFRAncient Faith Radio (Internet radio station)
AFRAmerican Financial Realty Trust
AFRAssociation Française pour la Réduction des Risques (French: French Association for Risk Reduction)
AFRAnnual Failure Rate
AFRAfrican Department (International Monetary Fund)
AFRAir-to-Fuel Ratio
AFRAutomatic Feature Recognition
AFRAssociation Française du Ragdoll (French: French Ragdoll Association)
AFRAllocation Formation Reclassement
AFRAlternative Fuels and Raw Materials
AFRAverage Failure Rate
AFRAdvanced Fuel Research, Inc.
AFRAvailable Financial Resources (finance)
AFRAssign Frequency for Network Reporting (US DoD)
AFRAccident Frequency Ratio
AFRAsociatia Femeilor din România (Women's Association of Romania)
AFRAway From Reactor (water storage basin)
AFRApplied for Registration
AFRAlt.fairs.renaissance (Usenet group frequented by RenFest attendees)
AFRAuthorized Firm Representative (persons responsible for managing a financial institution's access to the National Registration System)
AFRAmericans for a Free Republic (Dallas, TX)
AFRAdministrative and Fundraising expense Rate
AFRAir Force Recognition
AFRAvailable for Reassignment
AFRAutomatic Flexible Routing
AFRAudit Finding Report
AFRAccidental Fecal Release
AFRAides à la Formation Recherche
AFRAsynchronous Fixed Repetition
AFRArtillery Flash Ranging
AFRAuthentication Failure Report
AFRAppropriation for RDT&E
AFRApproximate Factor Re-Normalization
AFRAdditional Funding Request
AFRAs Found Report
AFRAdvanced Fuel Reprocessing
AFRAcid Fractionation Recycle
AFRAmpoule Filling Room
AFRAffordable Readiness
AFRAverage Fuel Rate
AFRAutomated Field Report
AFRAngle Face Ring (pipe valves and fittings)




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