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discission (dɪsˈsɪʒən) n (Medicine) med surgical incision, esp of a cataractdiscission
discission [dĭ-sizh″un] incision, or cutting into, as of a soft cataract.dis·cis·sion (di-sish'ŭn), 1. Incision or cutting through a part. 2. In ophthalmology, opening of the capsule and breaking up of the cortex of the lens with a needle knife or laser. [L. di- scindo, pp. -scissus, to tear asunder] dis·cis·sion (di-sizh'ŭn) 1. Incision or cutting through a part. 2. ophthalmology Opening of the capsule and breaking up of the cortex of the lens with a needle knife or laser. [L. di- scindo, pp. -scissus, to tear asunder]discission An outmoded operation in which the len capsule of a child's CRYSTALLINE LENS is cut with a sharp-edged needle and the lens matter allowed to disperse into the aqueous humour. |