Chesapeake Country Scenic Byway
Chesapeake Country Scenic Byway
400 High St
Chestertown, MD 21620
Web: Description:The network of routes that comprise this byway allowsvisitors to experience Colonial history, Revolutionary Warbattlefields, crossroad communities, rural farmland, water-basedrecreation, scenic vistas, and more. Situated along the Atlantic Flyway,it includeswildlife refuges and management areas that are major feeding andresting places for migratory and wintering waterfowl. Nowhere alongthis Byway is thevisitor far from the tributaries that feed the Chesapeake Bay or from theBay itself.
Legth: 85 miles. Start/Endpoint: The Upper Eastern Shore section of the byway runs from theChesapeake Bay Bridge to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. There aremany main and secondary roads that lead to the byway, but starting atthe northern or southern entrance will provide the most completeexperience. Time to Allow: 2.5 hours. Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (2002).
See other parks in Maryland.