cystic medial necrosis

cys·tic me·di·al ne·cro·sis

loss of elastic and muscle fibers in the aortic media, with accumulation of mucopolysaccharide, sometimes in cystlike spaces between the fibers; a disease of unknown cause, which may be inherited and predisposes to dissecting aneurysms. Synonym(s): Erdheim disease, medionecrosis aortae idiopathica cystica, medionecrosis of the aorta, mucoid medial degeneration


Jakob, Austrian physician, 1874-1937. Erdheim disease - a disease of unknown cause that may be inherited and that predisposes to dissecting aneurysms. Synonym(s): cystic medial necrosisErdheim syndrome - acromegaly causing cervical stiffening and often associated with clavicular hypertrophy. Synonym(s): Scaglietti-Dagnini syndromeErdheim tumor - a suprasellar neoplasm, usually cystic, that develops from the nests of epithelium derived from Rathke pouch. Synonym(s): craniopharyngioma