Acronym | Definition |
DPLC➣Direct Pay Letter of Credit (finance) |
DPLC➣Domestic Private Leased Circuit (telecommunications) |
DPLC➣Debout pour le Congo (French: Standing for the Congo; Belgium) |
DPLC➣Dépôts Pétroliers de la Corse (French: Oil Deposits of Corsica) |
DPLC➣Digital Photography Learning Center |
DPLC➣Democratic Party of Lane County (Oregon) |
DPLC➣Dépassement du Plafond Limite de Classement (French: Exceeding the Maximum Limit of Grading; Switzerland) |
DPLC➣Digital Power Line Carrier (telecommunications) |
DPLC➣Design for Product Life Cycle (national conference; India) |
DPLC➣Dayton Power and Light Company (also seen as DPL and DP&L; Dayton, OH) |