in Russian and Ukrainian architecture, both wooden and stone, a quadrilateral structure or part of one. The chetverik, the basic architectural form of the Russian church before the 18th century, was frequently built with an octagonal superstructure, a vos’merik, creating the vos’merik-na-chetverike design.
a Russian dry measure. The chetverik came into use in Novgorod the Great in the 15th century. In the Russian state in the early 17th century, the chetvert equalled two osminas, or eight chetveriks; by the end of the 17th century, the size of the chetvert had been changed from four poods to eight poods. From the 18th century to the early 20th century, the chetverik was the main unit of dry measure used in Russia. As such, the chetverik (one-eighth of a chetvert) equalled eight garnetzes, or 26.24 liters. The use of the chetverik was discontinued when the metric system was introduced in the USSR.