释义 |
en·cour·age E0128200 (ĕn-kûr′ĭj, -kŭr′-)tr.v. en·cour·aged, en·cour·ag·ing, en·cour·ag·es 1. To inspire with hope, courage, or confidence.2. To give support to; foster: policies designed to encourage private investment.3. To stimulate; spur: burning the field to encourage new plant growth. [Middle English encouragen, from Old French encoragier : en-, causative pref.; see en-1 + corage, courage; see courage.] en·cour′ag·er n.Synonyms: encourage, cheer, embolden, hearten, inspire These verbs mean to impart courage, inspiration, and resolution to: encouraged the patient not to give up hope; cheered the contestants on; was emboldened to sing for the guests; was heartened by the test results; were inspired by their initial success to take the next step.encourager
encourager Defined in the context of fat fetishism, a person whose sexuoeroticism hinges on encouraging a partner to deliberately gain weight. |