

单词 blinding



B0323600 (blīnd)adj. blind·er, blind·est 1. a. Sightless.b. Having a maximal visual acuity of the better eye, after correction by refractive lenses, of one-tenth normal vision or less (20/200 or less on the Snellen test).c. Of, relating to, or for sightless persons.2. a. Performed or made without the benefit of background information that might prejudice the outcome or result: blind taste tests used in marketing studies.b. Performed without preparation, experience, or knowledge: a blind stab at answering the question.c. Performed by instruments and without the use of sight: blind navigation.3. Unable or unwilling to perceive or understand: blind to a lover's faults.4. Not based on reason or evidence; unquestioning: put blind faith in their leaders.5. Slang Drunk.6. Lacking reason or purpose: blind fate; blind choice.7. a. Difficult to comprehend or see; illegible.b. Incompletely or illegibly addressed: blind mail.c. Hidden from sight: a blind seam.d. Screened from the view of oncoming motorists: a blind driveway.e. Secret or otherwise undisclosed: a blind item in a military budget.8. Closed at one end: a blind socket; a blind passage.9. Having no opening: a blind wall.10. Botany Failing to produce flowers or fruits: a blind bud.n.1. (used with a pl. verb) Blind people considered as a group. Used with the: a radio station for reading to the blind.2. often blinds Something, such as a window shade or a Venetian blind, that hinders vision or shuts out light.3. A shelter for concealing hunters, photographers, or observers of wildlife.4. Something intended to conceal the true nature, especially of an activity; a subterfuge.5. A forced bet in poker that is placed before the cards are dealt.adv.1. a. Without seeing; blindly.b. Without the aid of visual reference: flew blind through the fog.2. Without forethought or provision; unawares: entered into the scheme blind.3. Without significant information, especially that might affect an outcome or result: "When you read blind, you see everything but the author" (Margaret Atwood).4. Informal Into a stupor: drank themselves blind.5. Used as an intensive: Thieves in the bazaar robbed us blind.tr.v. blind·ed, blind·ing, blinds 1. To deprive of sight: was blinded in an industrial accident.2. To dazzle: skiers temporarily blinded by sunlight on snow.3. To deprive of perception or insight: prejudice that blinded them to the proposal's merits.4. To withhold light from: Thick shrubs blinded our downstairs windows.
[Middle English, from Old English; see bhel- in Indo-European roots.]
blind′ing·ly adv.blind′ly adv.blind′ness n.


(ˈblaɪndɪŋ) n1. (Civil Engineering) sand or grit spread over a road surface to fill up cracks2. (Civil Engineering) the process of laying blinding3. (Civil Engineering) Also called: mattress a layer of concrete made with little cement spread over soft ground to seal it so that reinforcement can be laid on itadj4. making one blind or as if blind: blinding snow. 5. most noticeable; brilliant or dazzling: a blinding display of skill. ˈblindingly adv
Adj.1.blinding - shining intenselyblinding - shining intensely; "the blazing sun"; "blinding headlights"; "dazzling snow"; "fulgent patterns of sunlight"; "the glaring sun"blazing, fulgent, glaring, glary, dazzlingbright - emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts; "the sun was bright and hot"; "a bright sunlit room"


adjective1. bright, brilliant, intense, shining, glowing, blazing, dazzling, vivid, glaring, gleaming, beaming, effulgent, bedazzling the blinding lights of the delivery room2. amazing, striking, surprising, stunning, impressive, astonishing, staggering, sensational (informal), breathtaking, wondrous (archaic or literary), jaw-dropping, gee-whizz (slang) waiting for a blinding revelation that never came3. painful, agonizing, excruciating, hellish, gut-wrenching, grievous, torturous a quick, blinding agony that jumped along her spine


(blaind) adjective1. not able to see. a blind man. 瞎的 瞎的2. (with to) unable to notice. She is blind to his faults. 視而不見的 视而不见的3. hiding what is beyond. a blind corner. 隱蔽的 隐蔽的4. of or for blind people. a blind school. 盲人的 盲人的 noun1. (often in plural) a screen to prevent light coming through a window etc. The sunlight is too bright – pull down the blinds! 百葉窗 窗帘,百叶窗 2. something intended to mislead or deceive. He did that as a blind. 掩護,蒙蔽 蒙蔽 verb to make blind. He was blinded in the war. 使失明 使失明ˈblinding adjective1. tending to make blind. a blinding light. 眩目的 眩目的,刺眼的 2. sudden. He realized, in a blinding flash, that she was the murderer. 突然的 突然的ˈblindly adverb 眩目地 眩目地ˈblindness noun 失明 失明blind alley a situation without any way out. This is a blind alley of a job. 死胡同,死巷,行不通 死胡同,绝路 ˈblindfold noun a piece of cloth etc put over the eyes to prevent someone from seeing. The kidnappers put a blindfold over the child's eyes. 眼罩 眼罩 verb to put a blindfold on (some person or animal). 遮眼 遮眼 adjective, adverb with the eyes covered by a cloth etc. She came blindfold into the room. 遮著眼的(地) 遮着眼的(地) blind spot1. any matter about which one always shows lack of understanding. She seems to have a blind spot about physics. 一竅不通 一窍不通2. an area which is impossible or difficult to see due to an obstruction. 死角,盲點 盲点the blind leading the blind one inexperienced or incompetent person telling another about something. My teaching you about politics will be a case of the blind leading the blind. 外行指導外行 外行指导外行



[′blīn·diŋ] (engineering) A thin layer of lean concrete, fine gravel, or sand that is applied to a surface to smooth over voids in order to provide a cleaner, drier, or more durable finish. A layer of small rock chips applied over the surface of a freshly tarred road. blanking (mining engineering) Interference with the functioning of a screen mesh by a matting of fine materials during screening. Also known as blocking; plugging.


1. A thin layer of lean concrete or of fine gravel or sand applied to a surface to fill voids and to provide a smoother, cleaner, drier, or more durable finish; esp. fine gravel or sand over freshly placed asphaltic concrete. 2. Sprinkling small stone chips over a freshly tarred road. 3. Placing a material over piping to completely cover it. 4. Compacting of soil directly over a drain tile, thereby reducing its tendency to move into the tile.


The concealment of group assignment—to either the treatment or control group—from the knowledge of patients and/or investigators in a clinical trial of whether a drug or therapy being administered is a placebo/sham treatment—i.e., the control group—or the drug/treatment being investigated


Clinical research The concealment of group assignment–to either the treatment or control group from the knowledge of Pts and/or investigators in a clinical trial; while blinding is intended to remove bias and subjectivity, it is not always practical–eg when comparing surgery to drug treatment, but should be used when possible and compatible with optimal Pt care. See Double blinded study, 'Nocebo. ', Placebo, Triple blinded study. Cf Control.

Patient discussion about blinding

Q. Why is the color draining from my eyes?! When I was little I had rich shiny cobalt blue eyes! As I grew up they faded or just started to dim in color. Being partially blind you can see in my left eye the its a really light color and creamy instead of my deep blue color... Why does my eye color dim?! I didnt think going blind had anything to do with the color of my eyes changing... Or is it something else?! Please, and thank you!A. depends on your blindness, if it is caused by your cornea changing (corneal opacity)- it'll change your eye color to a cloudy white. it can also be caused by cataract.
are those the reason of your blindness?

More discussions about blinding


  • adj

Synonyms for blinding

adj bright


  • bright
  • brilliant
  • intense
  • shining
  • glowing
  • blazing
  • dazzling
  • vivid
  • glaring
  • gleaming
  • beaming
  • effulgent
  • bedazzling

adj amazing


  • amazing
  • striking
  • surprising
  • stunning
  • impressive
  • astonishing
  • staggering
  • sensational
  • breathtaking
  • wondrous
  • jaw-dropping
  • gee-whizz

adj painful


  • painful
  • agonizing
  • excruciating
  • hellish
  • gut-wrenching
  • grievous
  • torturous

Synonyms for blinding

adj shining intensely


  • blazing
  • fulgent
  • glaring
  • glary
  • dazzling

Related Words

  • bright




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