

单词 dpn



n (Biochemistry) biochem the former name for NAD



in biochemistry, abbreviation for diphosphopyridine nucleotide, a coenzymecoenzyme
, any one of a group of relatively small organic molecules required for the catalytic function of certain enzymes. A coenzyme may either be attached by covalent bonds to a particular enzyme or exist freely in solution, but in either case it participates intimately in
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 now usually called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD.


(biochemistry) diphosphopyridine nucleotide


Decomposed Petri Net



Abbreviation for diphosphopyridine nucleotide.


Abbreviation for diphosphopyridine nucleotide.


DPNDirection de la Protection de la Nature (French: Directorate of Nature Protection; various organizations)
DPNDirection des Parcs Nationaux (French: Department of National Parks; Sénégal)
DPNDiagnostic Prénatal (French: Prenatal Diagnostic)
DPNDiabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
DPNDiprenorphine (drug)
DPNDisjoncteur Phase Neutre (French: Phase Neutral Breaker; electricity)
DPNDisability Program Navigator
DPNDip-Pen Nanolithography
DPNDéveloppement de Produits Nouveaux (French: New Product Development)
DPNDigital Private Network
DPNDestination Program Name
DPNDynamic Programming Network
DPNDual Processing Node
DPNDestination Port Number
DPNDynamic Pushdown Network
DPNData Packet Network
DPNDebian Project News (Internet newsletter)
DPNDouble Pointed Needle (knitting)
DPNDepartment of Physiological Nursing (University of California, San Francisco)
DPNDeaf President Now (1988 student protest at Gallaudet University)
DPNDropout Prevention Network (Region 13; Texas)
DPNDermatosis Papulosa Nigra (skin condition)
DPNData Privacy Notice (General Data Protection Regulation requirement)
DPNDeutsches Provider Network (ISP)
DPNDivision Production Nucléaire (French: Nuclear Production Division; Electricité de France)
DPNDisney Podcast Network
DPNDépôt Pétrolier de Nanterre (French: Oil Depot in Nanterre; Nanterre, France)
DPNDeuda Publica Nacional (National Public Debt)
DPNDulcimer Players News
DPNDecoupled Plasma Nitridation
DPNDigital PhishNet (AOL, FBI, FTC, Microsoft, Secret Service, VeriSign)
DPNDeep Peroneal Nerve
DPNDecomposed Petri Net
DPNDiffusion Publicitaire Nationale (French: National Broadcast Advertising)
DPNDistribution Peinture du Nord (French: Northern Painting Distribution)
DPNDigital Project Notebook
DPNDisused Pipeline Notification (UK)
DPNDemand Promissory Note
DPNData Processing Node
DPNDigital Path not provided signal (ITU-T)
DPNDigital Packet Network
DPNDiamond Pyramid Hardness Number
DPNDistributed Processing Network
DPNDedicated Private Network
DPNDowntown Professionals Network
DPNDynamic Private Network (Warpspeed Communications)
DPNDigital Photography News
DPNDictionnaire Participatif de Néologismes (French: Participatory Dictionary of Neologisms)
DPNDesktop Pipeline Newsletter
DPNCompartment Thickness
DPNDavid Paul Newell (musician)




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