come into its own

come into (one's) own

1. Of a person, to reach a new level of maturity, independence, or success. Often said of young adults. Betsy has really come into her own this year. A full-time job, a new apartment—she's doing great!2. Of a thing, to prove to be very useful or helpful. When you're waiting for the bus in freezing weather, your coat will really come into its own, believe me.See also: come, own

come into its (or your) own

become fully effective, used, or recognized.See also: come, own

come ˌinto your/its ˈown

have the opportunity to show how good or useful you are or something is: When the traffic’s as bad as this, a bicycle really comes into its own.It was only when she became Health Secretary that she came into her own.See also: come, own