Chiang Kuang-Tzu
Chiang Kuang-Tz’u
(pen name of Chiang Kuangch’ih). Born 1901 in Anhwei Province; died June 30, 1931, in Shanghai. Chinese poet, journalist, and literary critic.
Chiang was one of the first writers to glorify the proletarian revolution in China. He took part in the May Fourth Movement of 1919. From 1920 to 1924 he attended the Communist University for Workers of the East; while at the university, he joined the Communist Party of China. He was a revolutionary internationalist, a friend of the USSR, and a fighter against imperialism.
Chiang’s early poetry was associated with the Creation Society, his later work with the Sun Society and the Chinese League of Left Writers. His collections of verse include New Dreams (1925), / Mourn for China (1927), and Lines About the Homeland (1930). He also wrote short stories and novellas. Despite Chiang’s somewhat simplified aesthetic views, his work played an important role in the development of modern Chinese poetry.
In Russian translation:[“Stikhi.”] In the collection Novaiapoeziia Kitaia. Moscow, 1959.
[“Stikhi.”] In the collection Dozhdlivaia alleia: Kitaiskaia lirika 20–30-kh gg. Moscow, 1969.