释义 |
Chiari-Frommel syndrome Chi·a·ri-From·mel syn·drome (kē-ah'rē from'ĕl), unphysiological lactation and amenorrhea following pregnancy, but not caused by infant's nursing; characterized by hyperprolactinemia and a pituitary adenoma.Chi·a·ri-From·mel syn·drome (kē-ahr'ē-from'ĕl sin'drōm) A condition usually occurring postpartum characterized by amenorrhea, galactorrhea, obesity, and atrophy of the uterus and ovaries. Chiari, Johann B., German obstetrician, 1817-1854. Chiari-Frommel syndrome - unphysiological lactation and amenorrhea following pregnancy, but not caused by infant's nursing. Synonym(s): Frommel-Chiari syndromeFrommel-Chiari syndrome - Synonym(s): Chiari-Frommel syndrome
Frommel, Richard, German gynecologist, 1854-1912. Chiari-Frommel syndrome - see under Chiari, Johann BFrommel disease - prolonged lactation causing uterine involution.Frommel operationFrommel-Chiari syndrome - Synonym(s): Chiari-Frommel syndrome |