Chiari syndrome

Chi·a·ri syn·drome

(kē-ah'rē), thrombosis of the hepatic vein with great enlargement of the liver and extensive development of collateral vessels, intractable ascites, and severe portal hypertension. Synonym(s): Budd syndrome, Budd-Chiari syndrome, Chiari disease, Chiari-Budd syndrome, Rokitansky disease (2)

Chi·a·ri syn·drome

(kē-ah'rē sin'drōm) Thrombosis of the hepatic vein with great enlargement of the liver and extensive development of collateral vessels, intractable ascites, and severe portal hypertension.
Synonym(s): Budd syndrome.


Hans, German pathologist, 1851-1916. Arnold-Chiari deformity - Synonym(s): Arnold-Chiari malformationArnold-Chiari malformation - see under Arnold, JuliusArnold-Chiari syndrome - Synonym(s): Arnold-Chiari malformationBudd-Chiari syndrome - Synonym(s): Chiari syndromeChiari disease - Synonym(s): Chiari syndromeChiari net - abnormal fibrous or lacelike strands in the right atrium.Chiari syndrome - thrombosis of the hepatic vein with great enlargement of the liver and extensive development of collateral vessels, intractable ascites, and severe portal hypertension. Synonym(s): Budd-Chiari syndrome; Budd syndrome; Chiari-Budd syndrome; Chiari disease; Rokitansky disease (2)Chiari-Budd syndrome - Synonym(s): Chiari syndromeChiari II syndrome - elongation of medulla and cerebellar tonsils and vermis with displacement through the foramen magnum into the upper spinal canal.

Chi·a·ri syn·drome

(kē-ah'rē sin'drōm) Thrombosis of the hepatic vein with great enlargement of the liver and extensive development of collateral vessels, intractable ascites, and severe portal hypertension.