Acronym | Definition |
DPV➣Deutscher Petanque Verband (German: German Petanque Association) |
DPV➣Diver Propulsion Vehicle |
DPV➣Delivery Point Validation (USPS system) |
DPV➣Digital Photo Viewer |
DPV➣Delivery Point Validation |
DPV➣Delegated Path Validation |
DPV➣Directplay Voice |
DPV➣Drill Press Vise |
DPV➣Département de la Protection des Végétaux (French: Department of Plant Protection) |
DPV➣Discounted Present Value (finance) |
DPV➣Drug Profile Viewer (eHealth Ontario; Canada) |
DPV➣Differential Pulse Voltammetry (AfterMath) |
DPV➣Desert Patrol Vehicle |
DPV➣Delivery Point Verification |
DPV➣Dynamically Positioned Vessel |
DPV➣Direct Payment Voucher |
DPV➣Daily Production Volume (measurement; various countries) |
DPV➣Direction de la Prospective et de la Veille Scientifique et Technique (Directorate of Forecasting and Scientific and Technical Intelligence) |
DPV➣Dry Pipe Valve (fire sprinkler systems) |
DPV➣Duty Paid Value (economics) |
DPV➣Differential Pressure Valve |
DPV➣Diesel Powered Vehicle |
DPV➣Doppler Predict Voltage |
DPV➣Doubs Paintball Village (Doubs, France) |