DPVDeutscher Petanque Verband (German: German Petanque Association)
DPVDiver Propulsion Vehicle
DPVDelivery Point Validation (USPS system)
DPVDigital Photo Viewer
DPVDelivery Point Validation
DPVDelegated Path Validation
DPVDirectplay Voice
DPVDrill Press Vise
DPVDépartement de la Protection des Végétaux (French: Department of Plant Protection)
DPVDiscounted Present Value (finance)
DPVDrug Profile Viewer (eHealth Ontario; Canada)
DPVDifferential Pulse Voltammetry (AfterMath)
DPVDesert Patrol Vehicle
DPVDelivery Point Verification
DPVDynamically Positioned Vessel
DPVDirect Payment Voucher
DPVDaily Production Volume (measurement; various countries)
DPVDirection de la Prospective et de la Veille Scientifique et Technique (Directorate of Forecasting and Scientific and Technical Intelligence)
DPVDry Pipe Valve (fire sprinkler systems)
DPVDuty Paid Value (economics)
DPVDifferential Pressure Valve
DPVDiesel Powered Vehicle
DPVDoppler Predict Voltage
DPVDoubs Paintball Village (Doubs, France)