Block Island National Wildlife Refuge
Block Island National Wildlife Refuge
3679 D Old Post Rd, PO Box 307
Charlestown, RI 02813
Established: 1973.
Location:On the northern tip of Block Island, 12 miles offshore south of Point Judith, Rhode Island.
Facilities:Viewing sites, hiking trails.
Activities:Fishing, hiking.
Special Features:Refuge supports large concentrations of migratory songbirds (70+ species) which visit the area each fall. Many young, inexperienced songbirds "overfly" the mainland and stopover on Block Island before continuing their migration. The refuge also provides habitat for the endangered American burying beetle, the only known population east of the Mississippi River.
Habitats: 127 acres of sandy beaches and rolling dunes.
Access: Open from dawn to dusk.
Wild life: An important resting stop and roosting area for migratory songbirds, the refuge also provides a home for the endangered American Burying Beetle in their only known population east of the Mississippi River.
See other parks in Rhode Island.