blood circulation

blood cir·cu·la·tion

the course of the blood from the heart through the arteries, capillaries, and veins back again to the heart.

blood cir·cu·la·tion

(blŭd sĭr-kyū-lāshŭn) Course of the blood from the heart through the arteries, capillaries, and veins back again to the heart.

Patient discussion about blood circulation

Q. Yeast infection in bloodstream How to get rid of yeast infection systemically.A. there are several treatments and medications against systemic fungal infections, yeasts included. but in order to get treated you have to go through a proper diagnosis and a Dr. should check what kind of fungus you are having and prescribe the medication that fits it. me throwing all sort of medication names won't give you anything. this has to be checked out with a blood test and a culture.

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