facial bones

fa·cial bones

the bones surrounding the mouth and nose and contributing to the orbits; they are the paired maxillae, zygomatic, nasal, lacrimal, palatine, and inferior nasal conchae; and the unpaired ethmoid, vomer, mandible, and hyoid. Synonym(s): bones of viscerocranium, ossa faciei

fa·cial bones

(fā'shăl bōnz) The bones surrounding the mouth and nose and contributing to the orbits; they are the paired maxillae, zygomatic, nasal, lacrimal, palatine, and inferior nasal conchae; and the unpaired ethmoid, vomer, mandible, and hyoid.

facial bones

These are the upper jaw (maxilla), the cheek bone (zygoma), the nasal bone in the upper part of the nose, the lacrimal bone at the inner corner of the eye, the hard palate (palatine bone) and parts of the deeper ETHMOID and SPHENOID bones. The lower jaw bone is called the mandible.

fa·cial bones

(fā'shăl bōnz) Bones surrounding mouth and nose and contributing to orbits; made of paired maxillae, zygomatic, nasal, lacrimal, palatine, and inferior nasal conchae and unpaired ethmoid, vomer, mandible, and hyoid.