


E0236700 (yo͞o-hē′mə-rĭz′əm, -hĕm′ə-)n. A theory attributing the origin of the gods to the deification of historical heroes.
[After Euhemerus, fourth-century bc Greek philosopher.]
eu·he′mer·ist·he′mer·is′tic·he′mer·is′ti·cal·ly adv.


(juːˈhiːməˌrɪzəm) n1. (Classical Myth & Legend) the theory that gods arose out of the deification of historical heroes2. (Classical Myth & Legend) any interpretation of myths that derives the gods from outstanding men and seeks the source of mythology in history[C19: named after Euhemerus (?300 bc), Greek philosopher who propounded this theory] euˈhemerist n euˌhemerˈistic adj euˌhemerˈistically adv


(yuˈhi məˌrɪz əm, -ˈhɛm ə-)

n. 1. (sometimes cap.) the theory that the gods and the myths associated with them arose from the deification of great persons. 2. any interpretation of myths that attributes their origin to historical persons. [1840–50; Euhemer(us) (flourished 300 b.c.), Greek author who advanced the idea + -ism] eu•he′mer•ist, n. eu•he`mer•is′tic, adj. eu•he`mer•is′ti•cal•ly, adv. eu•he′mer•ize`, v.t., v.i. -ized, -iz•ing.


the belief that the mythological gods were merely early kings and heroes deified. — euhemerist, n.euhemeristic, adj.See also: God and Gods
the belief that the mythological gods were merely legendary kings and heroes deified. — euhemerist, n. — euhemeristic, adj.See also: Mythology