chief medical officer

Chief Medical Officer

The UK Government's principal medical adviser and professional head of all medical staff in England. Sir Liam Donaldson retired in 2010 and was succeeded by interim CMO Dame Sally Davies.

chief medical officer

A doctor, appointed by the British Government to monitor the health of the nation and to determine the factors that influence it; to act as a spokesperson for the medical profession; to ensure that all relevant government departments are kept effectively in touch with the medical profession on all matters of importance to the public weal; and to ensure that the United Kingdom is adequately represented internationally on medical matters. He or she is also chief medical officer to a range of Ministries including the Home Office, the Department of Education, the Social Security Department and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The CMO, who is also prominently involved as chairperson or as a committee member of various Health Department and research national bodies, is roughly the equivalent of the US Surgeon-General.