Far East Bureau of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist
Far East Bureau of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik)
(Dal’biuro), the special party body in charge of the Bolshevik organizations of the Far East during the existence of the Far East Republic.
On Mar. 3, 1920, the Siberian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) (Sibbiuro), on instructions from the Central Committee of the RCP(B). formed the Far East Bureau of the RCP(B) for the administration of the Communist organizations of the Far East. In August 1920, this body was transformed into the Far East Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(B). directly subordinate to the Central Committee. The original composition of the Dal’biuro included N. K. Goncharov. A. M. Krasnoshchekov. I. G. Kushnarev, S. G. Lazo. P. M. Nikiforov, and A. A. Shiriamov; membership later included V. G. Bisiarin, I. P. Dzevaltovskii (I. L. Iurin), V. I. Khotimskii, and B. Z. Shumiatskii (A. S. Chervonyi). In addition to these individuals, the bureau at various times also included P. F. Anokhin, A. M. Buiko, S. Ia. Grossman, M. I. Gubel’man. M. E. Del’vig, A. A. Znamenskii, K. I. Knopinskii, P. A. Kobozev. N. A. Kubiak, V. A. Maslennikov, N. M. Matveev. F. N. Petrov, M. A. Trilisser, and Ia. D. Ianson. The creation and strengthening of the Far East Republic-was the foremost task of the Dal’biuro. Its activity was guided by the Short Theses of the Far East Republic, approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) on Aug. 13, 1920.
The bureau was charged with ensuring the influence of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) and the government of the RSFSR of the solution of problems in the domestic and foreign policy of the Far East Republic. The activity of the Dal’biuro was carried out in a complicated situation involving a struggle against internal counterrevolution and Japanese interventionists, at whose hands Dal’biuro member S. G. Lazo perished. The Dal’biuro contributed greatly to the strengthening of the People’s Revolutionary Army of the Far East Republic and the guidance of the partisan movement in its struggle against White Guards and interventionists. Some of its members tolerated political errors in the form of underestimation or, the contrary, overestimation of the significance of the existence of the Far East Republic, but these deviations were overcome with the help of the Central Committee of the RCP(B).
The Far East Bureau played an active leadership role in organizing the final rout of the White Guards and in liquidating foreign intervention in the Far East (October 1922). after which the territory of the Far East Republic became part of the RSFSR.