Fiesta of San Francisco

San Francisco, Fiesta of

September 26-October 4In Quibdó, Colombia, the Fiesta of San Francisco is one of the biggest celebrations of the year. The town is divided into eight sections, and each is responsible for putting up its own decorations and altars in preparation for the procession on October 4, which is the highlight of the festival. But several days of sports—which include boxing, horse-racing, cycling, and pig-catching contests—precede this. The streets are filled with people dressed up as devils, savages, and various animals, and there are dancing and fireworks every night. Mock bullfights are held with vacalocas (crazy cows), which are wooden cows or bulls with flaming horns.
On the final day, there is an afternoon procession in which everyone—the local police, schoolchildren, religious organizations, and members of the general public—accompany the statue of St. Francis as it is carried through the streets of Quibdó.
Embassy of Colombia
2118 Leroy Pl. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
202-387-8338; fax: 202-232-8643
FiestaTime-1965, p. 154