释义 |
epoprostenol [e″po-pros´tĕ-nol] name for prostacyclin when used pharmaceutically; it is used in the form of the sodium salt as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation for blood contacting nonbiological systems, as in renal dialysis, as a pulmonary antihypertensive, and as a vasodilator.pros·ta·cy·clin (pros'tă-sī'klin), A potent natural inhibitor of platelet aggregation and a powerful vasodilator. Synonym(s): epoprostenol, epoprostenol sodiumBeraprost An oral prostacyclin PGI2 analogue with vasodilator, antiplatelet, and cytoprotective effects, used to manage pulmonary arterial hypertension. Beraprost improves exercise capacity and symptoms in NYHA-functional class-II and -III patients with PAH and, in particular, in those with primary pulmonary hypertension. Adverse effects Headache, facial flushing, vasodilation.epoprostenol Prostacyclin. A powerful inhibitor of clumping of blood platelets and thus of blood clotting. It is used with heart-lung (cardiopulmonary bypass) machines and artificial kidneys (dialysis machines) to preserve the platelets in the blood being pumped through them. Epoprostenol also widens (dilates) arteries. A brand name is Flotan. |