blow (one's) lunch

blow (one's) lunch

slang To vomit. I felt like I was going to blow my lunch from seasickness out on that boat.See also: blow, lunch

blow (one's) lunch

 and lose one's lunch; blow one's cookies; blow one's groceriesSl. to vomit. I almost lost my lunch, I ran so hard. I wanted to blow my lunch, that's how rotten I felt. He got carsick and blew his cookies all over the front seat.See also: blow, lunch

blow lunch

verbSee blow chunksSee also: blow, lunch

blow lunch

verbSee blow one’s lunchSee also: blow, lunch

blow (one’s) lunch

and lose one’s lunch tv. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. I almost lost my lunch, I ran so hard. I blew my lunch just watching her run. See also: blow, lunch