Acronym | Definition |
FEC➣Federal Election Commission |
FEC➣Forward Error Correction |
FEC➣Fédération des Entreprises du Congo (French: Federation of Congolese Enterprises) |
FEC➣Full Economic Costing |
FEC➣Foyer de l'Etudiant Catholique (French: Student Catholic Home) |
FEC➣Family Entertainment Center (various organizations) |
FEC➣Facilities Engineering Command |
FEC➣Fédération des Employés et Cadres (French: Federation of Employees and Executives) |
FEC➣Federal Executive Council |
FEC➣Federal Equipment Company (defense industry supplier; Cincnnati, OH) |
FEC➣Fast Ether Channel |
FEC➣Front-End Electronic Card |
FEC➣Front End Controller |
FEC➣Fast Ethernet Controller |
FEC➣Forwarding Equivalence Class |
FEC➣Fonds d'Equipement Communal (French: Communal Equipment Fund; Morocco) |
FEC➣Flash Exposure Compensation (cameras) |
FEC➣Florida East-Coast Railway |
FEC➣Field Equipment Controller |
FEC➣Farmers Electric Cooperative (Greenville, TX) |
FEC➣Firich Enterprises Co. (various locations) |
FEC➣Federal Electronics Challenge (various organizations) |
FEC➣Fluorouracil, Epirubicin, Cyclophosphamide |
FEC➣Field Emission Cathode |
FEC➣Forward Error Control |
FEC➣Financial Education Center (various organizations) |
FEC➣Foreign Exchange Certificate |
FEC➣Florida Education Channel (Panhandle Area Educational Consortium) |
FEC➣Faecal Egg Count (parasitological diagnosis) |
FEC➣Further Education College (UK) |
FEC➣Facility Emergency Coordinator (US FEMA) |
FEC➣Furukawa Electric Company (Japan) |
FEC➣Federal Express Corporation |
FEC➣Final Energy Consumption |
FEC➣Federal Energy Commission (of the Russian Federation) |
FEC➣Family Equality Council (est. 1979; Boston, MA) |
FEC➣Fetch Execute Cycle (computing) |
FEC➣Field Engineering Change |
FEC➣Family Education Center |
FEC➣Fully Executed Contract |
FEC➣Future England Captain (soccer; UK) |
FEC➣Fast Ethernet Channel |
FEC➣Fabrication Evaluation Chip (semiconductors) |
FEC➣Farmers Elevator Company (various locations) |
FEC➣Family Enterprise Center (various locations) |
FEC➣Faculty Executive Council |
FEC➣Faculty Ethics Committee (various schools) |
FEC➣Fire Extinguisher Cabinet |
FEC➣Foam Ear Cushion |
FEC➣Front-End Computer (satellite control ground stations) |
FEC➣Fogelman Executive Center (University of Memphis; Memphis, TN) |
FEC➣Frame Erasure Concealment |
FEC➣Faculty Effort Certification |
FEC➣Flensburger Enten Clique (German car club) |
FEC➣Front End Credibility (UK Customs) |
FEC➣Forwarding Equivalency Classes (multi-protocol label switching) |
FEC➣Fortaleza Esporte Clube (soccer club) |
FEC➣Forward Equipment Compartment |
FEC➣Federation Europeenne de Croquet (French: European Federation of Croquet) |
FEC➣Forward Error Compression |
FEC➣Free Element Condition |
FEC➣Free Episcopal Church |
FEC➣Flexible Etched Circuit |
FEC➣Forced Expiratory Capacity |
FEC➣Fleet/Forward Error Correction |
FEC➣Force Element Commander |
FEC➣Far End Converter (Valere) |
FEC➣Field Electrical Center (aka airfield lighting power center) |
FEC➣Fellow of Engineers Canada |