costoclavicular ligament

cos·to·cla·vic·u·lar lig·a·ment

[TA] the ligament that connects the first rib and the clavicle near its sternal end; limits elevation of shoulder (at sternoclavicular joint). Synonym(s): ligamentum costoclaviculare [TA], rhomboid ligament

cos·to·cla·vic·u·lar lig·a·ment

(kos'tō-klă-vik'yū-lăr lig'ă-mĕnt) [TA] The ligament that connects the first rib and the clavicle near its sternal end; limits elevation of shoulder (at sternoclavicular joint).
Synonym(s): ligamentum costoclaviculare [TA] , rhomboid ligament.