electrical alternans

e·lec·tri·cal al·ter·nans

electrical alternation of the heart.

electrical alternans

Cardiology Marked swings in the QRS complex amplitude, which occur every 2 to 3 beats, caused by 'circus movement' in the myocardium Etiology Cardiac tamponade, pericardial effusion, pneumopericardium, cardiac muscle dysfunction, and paroxysmal SVT; EA may presage sudden cardiac death, and may precede V Fib in Pts undergoing coronary angioplasty or those with Prinzmetal's angina, congenital prolonged QT syndrome, acute MI, catecholamine excess, electrolyte derangements; EA affecting the ST segment and T wave is common in Pts at risk for ventricular arrhythmias–VAs and may be a noninvasive marker of susceptibility to VAs

e·lec·tri·cal al·ter·nans

(ĕ-lek'tri-kăl awl-ter'nanz) Alternation in the amplitude of P waves, QRS complexes, or T waves as observed by electrocardiography.

electrical alternans

Beat-to-beat changes in one or more portions of the electrocardiogram.