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bach·e·lor B0008600 (băch′ə-lər, băch′lər)n.1. a. A man who is not married.b. A man who has never been married.c. A man who is not married and is not involved in a serious romantic relationship.2. A person who has completed the undergraduate curriculum of a college or university and holds a bachelor's degree.3. A male animal that does not mate during the breeding season.4. A young knight in the service of another knight in feudal times. [Middle English bacheler, squire, youth, bachelor, from Old French, from Medieval Latin baccalārius, tenant farmer, perhaps of Celtic origin.] bach′e·lor·dom, bach′e·lor·hood′, bach′e·lor·ship′ n.bachelorship (ˈbætʃələˌʃɪp) n1. the state of being a bachelor; bachelorhood2. (Education) the state of undertaking a Bachelor degreeEncyclopediaSeebachelorLegalSeeBachelor |