Endo agar

En·do a·gar

a medium containing peptone, lactose, dipotassium phosphate, agar, sodium sulfite, basic fuchsin, and distilled water; originally developed for the isolation of Salmonella typhi, this medium is now most useful in the bacteriologic examination of water; coliform organisms ferment the lactose, and their colonies become red and stain the surrounding medium; non-lactose-fermenting organisms produce clear, colorless colonies against the faint pink background of the medium. Synonym(s): Endo medium

En·do a·gar

(en'dō ā'gahr) A medium containing peptone, lactose, dipotassium phosphate, agar, sodium sulfite, basic fuchsin, and distilled water; originally developed for the isolation of Salmonella typhi, this medium is now most useful in the bacteriologic examination of water; coliform organisms ferment the lactose, and their colonies become red and discolor the surrounding medium; non-lactose-fermenting organisms produce clear, colorless colonies against the faint pink background of the medium.
Synonym(s): Endo medium.


Shigeru, Japanese bacteriologist, 1869-1937. Endo agar - a medium useful in the bacteriological examination of water. Synonym(s): Endo mediumEndo fuchsin agar - nutrient agar used as a culture medium to differentiate Salmonella typhi from coliform bacteria. Synonym(s): fuchsin agarEndo medium - Synonym(s): Endo agar